Starting with Crashlytics 3.0.0, injecting a custom request is the responsibility of the app

I am getting the following warning:

[Crashlytics: Crash] WARNING: User invite feature is enabled. Starting with Crashlytics 3.0.0, it is the responsibility of the app to implement the user invitation. See Crashlytics.h notes about -crashlyticsDidDetectReportForLastExecution: completionHandler:

appears in my app log when I run it with Xcode. It looks like the version of Crashlytics I'm using is 3.0.8 (from info.plist file in Crashlytics.framework).

Here's the relevant doc from the Crashlytics.h file:

 * Called when a Crashlytics instance has determined that the last execution of the
 * application ended in a crash.  This is called synchronously on Crashlytics
 * initialization. Your delegate must invoke the completionHandler, but does not need to do so 
 * synchronously, or even on the main thread. Invoking completionHandler with NO will cause the
 * detected report to be deleted and not submitted to Crashlytics. This is useful for
 * implementing permission prompts, or other more-complex forms of logic around submitting crashes.
 * Failure to invoke the completionHandler will prevent submissions from being reported. Watch out.
 * Just implementing this delegate method will disable all forms of synchronous report submission. This can
 * impact the reliability of reporting crashes very early in application launch.

- (void)crashlyticsDidDetectReportForLastExecution:(CLSReport *)report completionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL submit))completionHandler;


From the warning, it would seem that I would not get the usual "Send Crash Report"? prompt in my application. HOWEVER, I get this after the crash. That is, it does not seem necessary to me to implement this interface. So what gives? Is this warning really a misleading warning that we will need to make our own interface for this future crash report prompt?

I also looked at the docs and but can't find anything about the change from 3.0 .0.



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1 answer

Mike from Cloth.

With SDK 3.0, we've added finer control over how crash reporting is handled so that you and other developers can display a warning or not, but you want to. If you want to implement your own dialog, turn off the privacy dialog in the Fabric toolbar and you use the call provided to do this.

If you want to continue using the Fabric Privacy Dialog, you can, but I would recommend that you create a new one as it is more flexible and can be customized for your application's UI.



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