Inherited shared parameter as function parameter

How can i do this?

class A { }
class B : A { }

class X<T> where T : A { }
class Y<T> : X<T> where T : A { }

private static void f(X<A> x) { }

public static void Main(string[] args)
    Y<B> y = new Y<B>();
    f(y); // Compiler error here


Y inherited from X, B from A, but it won't compile.


source to share

1 answer

Change the function definition to:

private static void f<T>(X<T> x) where T : A { }


As you have defined this, you are saying that an f()

instance should be passed X<A>

. By defining, as I've shown here, you are saying that you f()

accept any class with X<A>

as a parent.



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