Search fails with maxid (ulong.max) and thenid, but separately it works

the following query works fine if you comment out either the "ID" or "MaxID" clause, but when both are included, a "bad url" exception is thrown.

var maxId = ulong.MaxValue;
var sinceId = (ulong)341350918903701507;

var searchResult =
   from search in ctx.Search
      where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
      search.ResultType == ResultType.Mixed &&
      search.Query == "red wedding" &&
      search.SinceID == sinceId &&
      search.MaxID == maxId &&
      search.IncludeEntities == false &&
      search.Count == 200
    select search).SingleOrDefault();



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4 answers

If you look at the result of the request in Fiddler, you can see that the response is:

{"errors":[{"code":195,"message":"Missing or invalid url parameter"}]}


I can't answer the question why Twitter won't accept requests with both IDID and MaxID. However, the request is well formed and there is no documentation describing the restrictions on the relationship between the two for this particular scenario. The purpose of the MaxID is to be the ID of the highest tweet in order to return to the next request. Both MaxID and IDID are meant to help you browse. I wrote a blog post on how to do this:

Working with Timeline with LINQ to Twitter



I seem to have the same problem as yours, so the only solution I had was to do it manually, so first I got the first list giving the fromId value to what I have:

var searchResult =
                from search in TwitterCtx.Search
                where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
                      search.Query == query &&
                      search.Count == pageSize &&
                      search.IncludeEntities == true &&
                      search.ResultType == ResultType.Recent &&
                      search.SinceID == sinceId
                select search

resultList = searchResult.Statuses;


Then I need to look for other tweets (the case where the number of new tweets is larger is the page size), so I had a while loop like this:

ulong minId = ulong.Parse(resultList.Last<Status>().StatusID) - 1;
List<Status> newList = new List<Status>();

 while (minId > sinceId)

    searchResult =
            from search in TwitterCtx.Search
            where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
                search.Query == query &&
                search.Count == pageSize &&
                search.IncludeEntities == true &&
                search.ResultType == ResultType.Recent &&
                search.MaxID == minId &&
                search.SinceID == sinceId
             select search

    newList = searchResult.Statuses;
    if (newList.Count == 0)

    minId = ulong.Parse(newList.Last<Status>().StatusID) - 1;


Now for some reason, you can use both fromId and maxId here.



Just in case anyone comes across this, I ran into this issue where the MaxId was an invalid Pure ID.

I started using zero, but ulong.MaxValue has the same problem. Turn it off with a valid value and it works great. If you don't use Iddid, it seems to work fine.



I used to get the same "Missing or Invalid URL Parameter" error, but according to Joe Mayo's solution , I added an extra if (fromID <maxID) before the while loop because the request throws the error above whenever maxID is less than cID. I think this is wrong.

if (sinceID < maxID) 
        // now add sinceID and maxID
        searchResponse =
             (from search in twitterCtx.Search
             where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
                   search.Query == "from:@" + twitterAccountToDisplay + " -retweets" && 
                   search.Count == count &&
                   search.SinceID == sinceID &&
                   search.MaxID == maxID
                   select search)

              if (searchResponse == null)

              if (searchResponse.Count > 0 && searchResponse.Statuses.Count > 0)
                 newStatuses = searchResponse.Statuses;
                 // first tweet processed on current query
                 maxID = newStatuses.Min(status => status.StatusID) - 1;

                 lastStatusCount = newStatuses.Count;
              if (searchResponse.Count > 0 && searchResponse.Statuses.Count == 0)
                    lastStatusCount = 0;
         while (lastStatusCount != 0 && statusList.Count < maxStatuses);    
         //(searchResponse.Count != 0 && statusList.Count < 30);


