How to enable and disable mouse drag to avoid collision in unity 3d using C #

I have walls that block the player's movement in the scene. I want to drag the player when the path is clear and disconnect when the player hits the wall. I can enable and disable the mouseButtonDown () function. This is only allowed when the mouse is pressed. I do not want it.

if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
    if (enableDrag ==false)
        enableDrag = true;

    if(enableDrag== true)


void OnCollisionEnter2D (Collision2D coll)
    if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Walls") 
        enableDrag= false;


Also, I don't want the player to move erratically when they hit a wall. Any comments from your experience are rude.


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2 answers

Why don't you change the logic. It looks like you want constant resistance as long as you don't hit a wall. So in this case, you can say:


Inside your update ()

If (not colliding with walls) 


This will require you to know when you no longer collide. It is possible to use OnCollisionExit.



While it's not too late to answer, here's how I solved the problem. With this approach, you can constantly drag and drop the player as it doesn't bump into obstacles.

void OnMouseOver ()

    Vector2 mousePos;

    Vector3 mousePosWorld = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (Input.mousePosition);
        mousePos.x = mousePosWorld.x;
        mousePos.y = mousePosWorld.y;
        this.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, new Vector3 (mousePosWorld.x, mousePosWorld.y, 0), speed * Time.deltaTime);

        if (enableDrag) {

            Vector3 cursorPoint = new Vector3 (Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, 0);
            Vector3 cursorPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (cursorPoint) + offset;
            transform.position = new Vector3 (cursorPosition.x, cursorPosition.y, 0);


If void OnCollisionEnter2D (Collision2D coll)
 if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Obstacle") 
     enableDrag= false;


