Health Check - Now only requires mp4 video file - Firefox now uses mp4

I need a sanity check, as I understand Firefox now supports mp4 videos, so html5 players only need one type of video files, i.e. no more:

src = "movie.mp4" type = "video / mp4" src = "movie.ogg" type = "video / ogg"

Just src = "movie.mp4" type = "video / mp4"

(I am going to use videojs).

I also checked at enter image description here


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1 answer

Unfortunately, I don't think it's that simple - this link from Mozilla gives the best updated picture in my experience, but as you know things are constantly changing, so it's worth checking out a few sources:

You also need to know some subtleties, even if mp4 is supported:

  • older and lower mobile devices often only support basic mp4 profile.
  • You can also "package" your mp4 file into an adaptive bit rate container so that the browser / client will select the appropriate baud rate for the current network conditions. If so, you need to look at the different options: Apple HLS, Microsoft Smooth streaming, Adobe Adaptive Streaming, and the open cross-browser MPEG-DASH format, which is now getting bigger.
  • If you want DRM to protect your video, you are thrown into a whole new compatibility debate as different browsers support different DRM technologies. CENC and DASH are industry standards for addressing this problem, so it's worth taking a look if you need to support DRM and want to see how the industry is supposedly leaning.

Some links for CENC and DASH:



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