Endless recursion in PHP echo expression

Why is this code calling infinite recursion?

class Foo {
    public static function newFoo() { return new Foo(); }
    public function __toString() {
        return "{${Foo::newFoo()}}";

echo new Foo(); // Infinite recursion
new Foo();      // Finishes normally


Is it because it __toString()

returns an object? But this is not possible, because according to the docs

This method must return a string, otherwise an E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR level error is emitted. ( ref )

Or is it just infinitely recursive within the method __toString()



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2 answers

echo new Foo();


creates Foo

and tries to execute echo

it in order to do so by casting the object into a string that calls the magic method __toString


In this method, however, you call a static method Foo::newFoo

that returns a new object, which is outputted again to the string in __toString

, which is called this way again.

So yes, here's an infinite recursion.

To clarify:

public function __toString() {
    return "{${Foo::newFoo()}}";


equivalent to

public function __toString() {
    $foo = Foo::newFoo();
    return "$foo"; // this is a cast as string, which invokes __toString() again.




Because you call it endlessly.

you echoed echo new Foo();

and you call it again:

'return "{${Foo::newFoo()}}";'

public static function newFoo() { return new Foo(); }


here's a sample simulation:

echo new Foo();


will call this:

public function __toString() {
   return "{${Foo::newFoo()}}"; 


// and you called

public static function newFoo() { return new Foo(); }


// and will execute again

public function __toString() {
   return "{${Foo::newFoo()}}"; 


// and will call again

public static function newFoo() { return new Foo(); }


// and do it again and again

public function __toString() {
   return "{${Foo::newFoo()}}"; 


// and call again and again

public static function newFoo() { return new Foo(); }


Ooooohhh I'm already in an endless loop, I'm just kidding.

But yes, it's an endless loop.



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