Make java multithreaded until input is entered

I am trying to create simple code to simulate parallel connection in a DB2 database using java. my current code looks something like this:

class TheThread implements Runnable{
public void run(){
    //make the database connection
    //need to pause here until any button pressed
    //execute query to the database


the program will do several hundred to thousands of threads at the same time, so I want to make sure all threads are connected before the request is made so that it is actually being processed at the same time

How can i do this?


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1 answer

You can use CyclicBarrier from java.util.concurrent package

static CyclicBarrier b = new CyclicBarrier(nConnections);

public void run() {
    // make the database connection
    b.await();  //threads will stop here untill nConnections are opened




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