Chrome Browser Error Chrome: Failed to connect to web socket: Failed to tunnel through proxy

we are using a simple java script to create a websocket client and connect to a websocket server (superwebsocket)

we are trying to connect and work on websockets in some pages of our android app (version 4.4). when i try to open a page that has websocket connections, it throws the following error: "Websocket connection with" ws: // machine name: 9013 "failed: unable to tunnel through proxy"

here are my observations:

  • Through the emulator, successfully connect to the websocket
  • From a Mozilla mobile browser connecting successfully to a websocket
  • From Chrome (Android app opens url in Chrome version for Chrome) when trying to connect to a proxy while trying to tunnel through a proxy while trying to connect to a web socket an error occurred.
  • If the mobile version has an old version of chrome ie 41.0 the websocket connections are successful, but if the chrome version is greater than 41.0 it throws the above error. now the latest chrome version is 43.

Can you provide some tips on how to move forward .. are there any new changes in mobile Chrome causing this issue?


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