Why is $ .isumeric false

I am writing JavaScript and I have a table where I need to check a field for a database key (number) or a default value ("NO MATCH"). I am trying to use jQuery 'isNumeric' function


var id = $('#myDataTable input:checked').map(function(){
     return $(this).closest('tr').find('td:eq(3)').text();

console.log(" ID "+id);
console.log(" ID2 "+$.isNumeric(id));


In my console, I see:

ID 1
ID2 false


Why is it wrong?


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1 answer


returns an array ["1"]

that is not numeric.

When you log it to the console, you cannot see it because you are concatenating it with a string, and ["1"].toString()

- "1"


Instead, when you are debugging this better, avoid forcing variables to other types. console.log("ID", id)

will be better.

To get a string instead of an array, you can use .get(0)

or [0]


However, if you are only interested in the first line, there is no point in using map


var id = $('#myDataTable input:checked').eq(0)




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