The script from '*' was denied because its MIME type ('text / html') is not executable and strict MIME type checking is enabled

I am using a form on my website to update Google Sheet with Google Forms. It worked fine, but lately I've started getting the above error.

Note that the data is being written perfectly, namely that the "alert" is not triggered (no response from the sheets?), So the user cannot get confirmation that his data has been written.

This is the script:

<script type="text/javascript">
 function postContactToGoogle(){
        var name = $('#name-add').val();
        var email = $('#email-add').val();
        var location=$('#location-add').val();

        if ((email !== "")) {
                url: "",
                data: {"entry.555826589" : name, "entry.2022783192" : email, "entry.128132944": location},
                type: "POST",
                dataType: "jsonp",
                statusCode: {
                    0: function (){

                        //Success message
                        alert("Sweet! We will get in touch soon.");

                    200: function (){
                        //Success message
                        alert("Sweet! We will get in touch soon.");
        } else {
            //Error message
            alert("Email is required");


PS: My site is hosted by Blogger.


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