Certificate request error "Waiting for trusted request"

I tried using openssl to sign a certificate with my own CA. There are two options.

  • openssl x509


    openssl X509 -req -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.pem -in bob.csr -out bob.crt -CAcreateserial`

Some posts say that x509 is used to generate self-signed certificates.

But the error occurs with openssl x509


unable to load certificate
6612:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start       
line:.\crypto\pem\pem_lib.c:701:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE


  1. openssl ca


    openssl ca -in bob.csr -out bob.crt -keyfile ca.key

It should configure config openssl.config beforehand. For example, create a directory ./demoCA


Please let me know which path is correct. If openssl x509

correct, how to resolve the error expecting trusted certificate

? I really appreciate it!


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1 answer

Please let me know which path is correct. If openssl x509 is correct, how to resolve the expected certificate error? I really appreciate it!

You are using openssl x509

to work with certificates. Since you don't have a certificate, you shouldn't use openssl x509


You use openssl req

to sign requests. If you only use openssl req

, you create a signature request.

If you use openssl req -x509

, you create a self signed certificate. It refuses the signature request and goes directly to the certificate.

If you need help becoming your own CA then see How do you sign a certificate certification request with your CA?

If you need help signing requests and well-formed certificates, see How do I generate a self-signed certificate with openssl? ...



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