NG-Repeat - Doesn't work in the list (ninja image slider)

I am using an image slider called ninja slider which currently works fine using the following html

<div id='ninja-slider'>
        <li><div data-image="" href=""></div></li>


However, when I try to get data from the web service, it doesn't play ball (doesn't display any data), but I don't know where I am going wrong

 <div id='ninja-slider'>
          <div ng-controller="featCtrl">
                <li> <div ng-repeat="feat in featured" index="{{$index}}" data-image="{{feat.heder_img}}" href=""></div></li>


My app.js file says the following:

.controller('featCtrl', function($scope, $http) 
    success(function(data, status, headers, config)
        $scope.featured = data.featured;
    error(function(data, status, headers, config)


Am I doing it completely wrong? thank


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3 answers

The problem is probably the ninja slider.

Other people have this problem:

ng-repeat list in AngularJS doesn't update when ajax call changes its value

Try to run the plugin when your ajax call inserts data into the $ scope.

As I can see on the plugin it can be tricky. Take a look at the plugin docs. If you have problems use slickjs instead, however you need to use jquery for this plugin.



Yes, there is a bug in your code snippet. As far as documentation is concerned, you'll have to iterate over the value <li>

. You put ng-repeat

inside <div>

that will create multiple elements <div>

. However, the documentation says that the image is wrapped internally <div>

, which is then wrapped in <li>

. So change your code to the following:

<div ng-controller="featCtrl">
    <div id='ninja-slider'>
            <li ng-repeat="feat in featured">
                <div index="{{ $index }}" data-image="{{ feat.heder_img }}"></div>


As you can see, I am now iterating over the element <li>

. Also you referenced a scope variable bar

, but iterated over it featured

. However, every element in the object is represented feat

. Thus, you need to access data from each item using feat

. Also I would think that you need to change your controller a little, because the JSON that is returned by your call $http

contains the encoded URIs. You need to convert this with a function decodeURI



will become

You can use it by going to the url like this:




I guess you are not doing anything with ng-repeat. You don't use each of the feat

. Maybe if you can do something like

<div id='ninja-slider'>
      <div ng-controller="featCtrl">
            <li> <div ng-repeat="feat in featured" index="{{$index}}" data-image="{{bar.heder_img}}" href="">


Can you try something like this?



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