Zipping value with corresponding FlatMap result

Let's say I have a stream of files filesStream

and a function uploadFile

that returns a stream of one value (Rx.Observable.fromPromise (...)). Files in a stream can be uploaded with a simple one flatMap




I need to zip files from filesStream

with the corresponding answers from uploadFile


    (file, response) => console.log("File " + + " uploaded: " + response.message)


I came up with a rather dirty approach that works

var zipppedStream = filesStream.flatMap(
    (file) => uploadFile(file).zip(Rx.Observable.just(file), (r, f) => [r, f])


But I don't really like this as I need to unpack a two-digit array into subscribe

and it usually looks heavy. Is this how you do it or am I missing something?


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1 answer

You can work around with zip

and use overload flatMap

instead to accomplish what you want here

let zippedStream = fileStream.flatMap(
 (file) => uploadFile(file),
 (file, uploaded) => [file, uploaded]);

 ([file, response]) => console.log("File " + + " uploaded: " + response.message));




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