How do I turn a binary string into text?

I am working on a personal project. I want to create an encryption program that allows you to encrypt and decrypt a string using a key. The help is almost finished with only the final part. I want to convert a binary string to text. Let's say the binary result (which I want to convert to plain text):



This is converted to the text "Haha".

NOTE. I only work with BigIntegers as almost every number I use is too large for a regular Integer.

EDIT: Found an answer using this code:

    StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0;i < input.length();i += 8) {
  output.append((char) Integer.parseInt(input.substring(i, i + 8), 2));



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1 answer

This code will do it in one line:

String str = "01001000011000010110100001100001";

String decoded ="(?<=\\G.{8})"))
    .map(s -> Integer.parseInt(s, 2))
    .map(i -> "" + Character.valueOf((char)i.intValue()))
    .collect(Collectors.joining("")); // "Haha"


Most likely it could be made prettier, but I didn't have an IDE (I just had it on it).

You will notice that it is BigInteger

not required, and this code handles any length of input.



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