How to build a marker from another marker 100 meters in Mapbox Leaflet?

I am trying to plot a marker using a Leaflet and then another marker from the first one at 100 meters. Marker application is easy:

var marker = L.marker([0, 0]).addTo(map);


But now how do I build another marker 100 meters away from this? Is there a way to convert meters to long and lat and then plot it? Or is there already a better way that I don't know about?

leaflet mapbox

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1 answer

I have forked your fiddle to show an example. He based on these answers:

var r = 100/111300 // = 100 meters
  , y0 = original_lat
  , x0 = original_lng
  , u = Math.random()
  , v = Math.random()
  , w = r * Math.sqrt(u)
  , t = 2 * Math.PI * v
  , x = w * Math.cos(t)
  , y1 = w * Math.sin(t)
  , x1 = x / Math.cos(y0)

newY = y0 + y1
newX = x0 + x1



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