Web worker overhead

I am working on a project that may require multiple web workers and I need to know if it is possible to work with multiple operations at the same time (like more than 4 or 8 employees), as well as what is in both cpu and ram to run them and detain them.

I did googling and googling but I didn't find any metrics on their processor and memory overhead. I've found some benchmarks for performance, but that's not what I'm interested in.

Can anyone point me to either a spec or research that gives at least rough values? I need to at least have some ball values ​​to work with, instead of just assuming what I see from Process Explorer is accurate or reliable.

edit - People seem to be getting the wrong impression. I am not asking for advice on how to fix the problem, but sources for technical information on web worker overhead, if any.


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1 answer

The Workers API generates real OS threads, so most of this bottleneck might not even be at the browser level.

Understandably, you still want the metrics to show how much overhead the browser is adding. You are either on your own if you want objective results.

Some blog posts might give you a good starting point: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/07/how-fast-are-web-workers/

(EDIT: Actually keep reading the link and you will find that it has an open metric rig used for the blog post: https://github.com/gmarty/web-workers-benchmark )



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