How do I get all the orderings of a list so that the list is equal to another list?

I have lists A and B that may have duplicates, for example:

A = ['x', 'x', 7]
B = [7, 'x', 'x']


Now I want all index permutations to permute list B to list A:

[1, 2, 0]    # because [B[1], B[2], B[0]] == A
[2, 1, 0]    # because [B[2], B[1], B[0]] == A


Is there a way to achieve this without repeating all possible permutations? I am already using

import itertools
for p in itertools.permutations(range(len(B))):
    if A == permute(B,p):


to iterate over all possible permutations and check the ones I want, but I want the ones I want faster.


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4 answers

Here's one way to do it. My function perms

generates all valid permutations. I first collect the indices for each element in B, then I recursively build and get the permutations, always choosing one of the available indices for each element in until the permutation is ready.

from collections import defaultdict

def perms(A, B):
    indexes = defaultdict(set)
    for i, e in enumerate(B):
    def find(perm):
        k = len(perm)
        if k == len(A):
            yield perm
        I = indexes[A[k]]
        for i in list(I):
            yield from find(perm + (i,))
    yield from find(())



A = ['x', 'x', 7]
B = [7, 'x', 'x']

for perm in perms(A, B):



(1, 2, 0)
(2, 1, 0)




You have to break down your problem into two parts:

  • first find a specific permutation sigma_0

    that maps B


  • find the set of S_B

    all permutations that map B onto itself

Then the set you are looking for is simple {sigma_0 \circ \sigma, sigma \in S_B}


Now the question arises: how to determine S_B

? To do this, you can simply notice that if you write the set {0,1,2,..,n}

(s n=2

in your case) as A_1 \cup .. A_k

, where each A_i

matches the indices in B

that correspond to the i-th element (in your case, you would have A_1 = {1,2}

and A_2 = {0}

), then each element from S_B

can be written in a unique way as a piece tau_1 \circ .. tau_k

, where each tau_i

is a permutation acting on A_i


So, in your case S_B = {id, (1,2)}

, you can take sigma_0 = (0,2)

. It follows that you have a value set {(0,2), (2,0,1)}




You can do this in three steps. First, create a dictionary from list B that has elements as keys and indices as values. In your case, the dictionary for your list B:

B = [7, 'x', 'x']

  7 - [0]
'x' - [1, 2]


Then go to your list A and create an index that maps the indices of List A to the corresponding indices of List B. That is:

A = ['x', 'x', 7]

0 - [1, 2]
1 - [1, 2]
2 - [0]


From this you can generate all valid mappings. It should be easy enough to write code that, given the above index, will generate [1, 2, 0]

and [2, 1, 0]




Here's something in Python. I have used strings for hashing since I am not familiar with how to pass sets and arrays as recursive arguments in Python, although they might be more efficient.

A = ['x', 'x', 7, 'y', 8, 8]
B = [7, 'x', 8, 'x', 8, 'y']
H = {}

# record the indexes of elements in B
for i in xrange(0,len(B)):
  if B[i] in H:
    H[ B[i] ].append(str(i)) 
    H[ B[i] ] = [str(i)]

# build permutations in the order that the elements are encountered in A
def perms(perm,i,visited,l):
  if i==l:
    print perm
  for j in H[ A[i] ]:
    if j not in visited:
      perms(perm + j,i + 1,visited + j,l)








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