Dynamically skip protractor tests

Is there a way to skip the protractor test dynamically? I have scripts where the user can choose any particular test to run. So, I want to run only those tests for which the user has given and dependent tests, all other tests should be skipped.

I am using runter-protractor-runner.

  • protractor: 2.0
  • Jasmine: 2.3

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2 answers

As shown in this question , you can specify the URL of a specific specification. Otherwise, you will have to use focused fdescribe / fit, but you cannot change it at runtime. This does not apply to Transporter, but rather to Jasmine.



Maybe not relevant for you. But it can be helpful for other people. You can try using the following construction:

it('your test', function(done)){

if('user action or result of user action'){
console.log("Test is skiped");
//other test code




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