Compares two columns based on the value of the third column value

I want to create a macro to look at column (AF) and based on that value, compare column (BI), (BJ) and / or (BK) together, and if its false, highlight the compared yellow cells. I know it's a little hard to follow, but this example should help clarify:

My sheet has the following columns:

Column AF    Column BI    Column BJ    Column BK
PRODUCT      Height       Length       Width


I need a macro to see the product type and compare sizes for that product as follows:

  - If product = A, then Length = Width, if not then highlight Length and Width Cells
  - If product = B then Length > Width, if not then highlight Length and Width Cells
  - If product = C then Width > Height < Length, if not highlight Length, Width, and Height cells
  - If product - D then Width = Length < Height, if not highlight Width, Length, and/or Height


My data starts on line 3 and ends on line 5002.

I tried looking into this and was able to find solutions that compare two cells and then write the third column. I could combine an IF formula and conditional formatting to achieve this, but I don't want this trigger to run all the time the sheet is sorted and color coded. I am planning to put this macro in a command button.


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2 answers

Suggest to combine Statements

, for example Select Case

, If...Then...Else

together with carriers And

, Or

. See the following pages:

After that, you should be able to write something similar to this: (The code below is just a sample, it won't work)

Select Case Product
Case A
    If Length <> Width Then
        Rem Highlight Length And Width  Cells
    End If
Case B
    If Length <= Width Then
        Rem Insert here the code to highlight Length And Width Cells
    End If
Case C
    If Width <= Height And Height >= Length Then
        Rem Insert here the code to highlight Length, Width, and Height cells
    End If
Case D
    If Width <> Length And Length >= Height Then
        Rem Insert here the code to highlight Width, Length, and/or Height
    End If
End Sub


If you do not know to highlight the cells of the width, length and height; I suggest doing this manually when recording the macro, it will give a good starting point.



I suggest working with objects, defining variables for a range of data, checking each row, position of fields to check, etc. see below code with comments

Sub Highlight_Cells_based_Comparison()
Dim rData As Range
Dim rRow As Range
Dim rCllsUnion As Range
Rem Set variables to hold Fields position within the DATA range
Dim bPosProd As Byte, bPosHght As Byte, bPosLeng As Byte, bPosWdth As Byte
Rem Set variables to hold Fields values
Rem (data type Variant as don't know type of values these fields are holding, change as appropriated)
Rem see
Dim sProd As String, vHght As Variant, vLeng As Variant, vWdth As Variant
Dim lRow As Long

    Rem Set Range (assuming it goes from column C to BK - change as needed)
    Rem Not starting from column A on porpuse
    Set rData = ActiveSheet.Range("C3:BK5002")

    Rem Get Fields position from Header row
    Rem Suggest to use this method instead of hard coding columns
    On Error Resume Next
    With rData
        bPosProd = WorksheetFunction.Match("PRODUCT", .Rows(1), 0)
        bPosHght = WorksheetFunction.Match("Height", .Rows(1), 0)
        bPosLeng = WorksheetFunction.Match("Length", .Rows(1), 0)
        bPosWdth = WorksheetFunction.Match("Width", .Rows(1), 0)
    End With
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub
    On Error GoTo 0

    Rem Loop thru each row excluding header           
    For lRow = 2 To rData.Rows.Count
            Set rRow = rData.Rows(lRow)
            With rRow
                Rem Get Row Field values
                sProd = .Cells(bPosProd).Value2
                vHght = .Cells(bPosHght).Value2
                vLeng = .Cells(bPosLeng).Value2
                vWdth = .Cells(bPosWdth).Value2                    

            Select Case sProd
            Case A 'Change value of A as required
            Rem If product = A, then Length = Width, if not then highlight Length and Width Cells
            Rem If Length <> Width Then Highlight Length And Width  'Cells
                If vLeng <> vWdth Then
                    Set rCllsUnion = Union(.Cells(bPosLeng), .Cells(bPosWdth))
                    Rem Suggest to use a subroutine for this piece as it a repetitive task
                    Rem see
                    GoSub CllsUnion_Highlight
                End If

            Case B
                Rem repeat as in Case A with required changes
            Case C
            Case D
    End Select: End With: Next

Exit Sub
Rem Subroutine to highlight cells
    With rCllsUnion.Interior
        .Color = 65535
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With

End Sub




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