How to reset a jQuery variable based on the selected element?

I created an HTML heading that allows the user to select a cell and add its earned points against possible points. Right now I have a function that only allows you to select one td

for each row. When a cell is selected, it adds points to the variable. The problem is that when I change the selection for a row, it just adds a new selection on top of the variable, it doesn't subtract or replace the value.

For example, if I had an 8 point selection selected, but change it to 6, instead of the variable value 6, it will add 6 to 8.

The function I have to add is as follows:

jQuery('#ldrm-rubric-loaded td.choice').click(function () {
    // Obtain points earned
    var ndx = jQuery(this).index() + 1;
    var target = jQuery('#ldrm-rubric-loaded thead tr.points th:nth-child('+ndx+')').html();
    if(!isNaN(target) && target.length != 0) {
        pointsEarned += parseFloat(target);
    jQuery('#ldrm-points-earned').html('Points Earned: '+pointsEarned);

Any ideas on how I can change the function to replace the value instead of adding to it?


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3 answers

I think it will be easier if you use one handler like

var total = 0,
    $headers = jQuery('#ldrm-rubric-loaded thead tr.points th');
jQuery('#ldrm-rubric-loaded td.choice').click(function () {
    var $this = jQuery(this),
    if (!$this.hasClass('selected')) {
        $prev = $(this).siblings('.selected').removeClass('selected');

        if ($prev.length) {
            total -= +$headers.eq($prev.index()).html() || 0;
        total += +$headers.eq($this.index()).html() || 0;

        var trackChanges = jQuery('#ldrm-rubric-loaded').clone().html();

        jQuery('#ldrm-points-earned').html('Points Earned: ' + total);
    } //else don't do anything since it is already selected



Demo: Fiddle

If you want to keep the structure of your code

jQuery('#ldrm-rubric-loaded td.choice').click(function () {
    var $this = jQuery(this),
        $tr = $this.closest('tr'),
        prevValue = $'selected') || 0;

    // Obtain points earned
    var ndx = $this.index() + 1;
    var value = +jQuery('#ldrm-rubric-loaded thead tr.points th:nth-child(' + ndx + ')').html() || 0;
    pointsEarned -= prevValue;
    pointsEarned += value;

    $'selected', value)
    jQuery('#ldrm-points-earned').html('Points Earned: ' + pointsEarned);


Demo: Fiddle



This is a simple fix. You have it right now pointsEarned += parseFloat(target);

. Change this to justpointsEarned = parseFloat(target);




I think it would be nice to separate the computation from the actual event handling.

To help with this, you can pre-calculate the points per column:

var pointsPerColumn = $('#ldrm-rubric-loaded tr.points th').map(function() {
    return +$(this).text();


Then write a small function that calculates the scores on the fly; it uses the earlier variable pointsPerColumn

for each selected cell and returns the sum:

function pointsEarned(sel)
    var total = 0;
    $(sel).find('td.choice.selected').each(function() {
        total += pointsPerColumn[$(this).index()];
    return total;


Then your click handler becomes pretty simple:

jQuery('#ldrm-rubric-loaded td.choice').click(function () {


function addHandlers($cubric, $target) {
  var pointsPerColumn = $cubric.find('tr.points th').map(function() {
    return +$(this).text();

  function pointsEarned() {
    var total = 0;
    $cubric.find('td.choice.selected').each(function() {
      total += pointsPerColumn[$(this).index()];
    return total;

    .click(function() {

    .click(function() {

jQuery(function($) {
  addHandlers($('#ldrm-rubric-loaded'), $('#ldrm_assignment_content'));

#ldrm-rubric-loaded {
  margin-top: 15px;
#ldrm-rubric-loaded .ldrm tr.remove {
  display: none;
#ldrm-rubric-loaded .ldrm tr.points th:first-child {
  display: none;
#ldrm-rubric-loaded .ldrm tbody tr td:first-child {
  display: none;
#ldrm-rubric-loaded .choice {
  cursor: pointer;
#ldrm-rubric-loaded .choice.selected {
  background: #d1e0be;

<script src=""></script>
<div id="ldrm-rubric-loaded">

  <table class="ldrm" cellspacing="0">
      <tr class="remove">
        <th><span class="btn"></span>
        <th><span class="btn"></span>
        <th><span class="btn"></span>
      <tr class="points">
        <th class="rb-top">8</th>
        <th class="rb-top">6</th>
        <th class="rb-top">4</th>
        <th class="rb-top">2</th>
        <td class="rb-left">Category</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td><span class="btn"></span>
        <td class="rb-left">Category</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td><span class="btn"></span>
        <td class="rb-left">Category</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td><span class="btn"></span>
        <td class="rb-left">Category</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>
        <td class="choice">Enter the details of how to earn this amount of points!</td>

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