Using AJAX to extract data from a JSON file

so I am trying to read data from my JSON file and display it on a web page using HTML. It would work with simple keys with this particular database, it wouldn't work for me.


var carInfo = [
    carId: 1,
    carPrice : 15.00,
    carId: 2,
    carPrice : 25.00,



$(document).ready(function() {

    $.getJSON("vehicle_data.json", function(data) {

        $.each(data.carInfo, function() {

            $("ul").append("<li>Car ID: "+this[carInfo[0].carId]);




<script src=""></script>
<script src="json_data_retrieve.js"></script>



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2 answers

Invalid JSON file. This is a JS script.

var carInfo = [
        carId: 1,
        carPrice : 15.00,
        carId: 2,
        carPrice : 25.00,


Try the following:

            "carId": 1,
            "carPrice": 15
            "carId": 2,
            "carPrice": 25


You can download this script as a script source in HTML. It should be a .js file.

<script src="vehicle_data.js"></script>


If you need to load it dynamically use the jQuery method $.getScript

. It doesn't matter if it has .json extensions, because it will evaluate as a script.

    $.getScript("vehicle_data.json", function() 
        // Pay attention. In this case, you work with carInfo 
        // variable because it has been executed as a script, 
        // but not loaded as a JSON file.
        $.each(carInfo, function()             {
            $("ul").append("<li>Car ID: " + this[carInfo[0].carId]);


However, it's weird that someone gives you a .json file with a JS declaration and tells you that you should execute it, but shouldn't rename it or load it as a script.



It looks like you are trying to iterate over the parent object within yourself. try it

$.each(data.carInfo, function(k, v) {

        $("ul").append("<li>Car ID: "+v.carId);





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