Powershell fuzzy behavior with Get-ChildItem and wildcard in path
Windows 8.1 Enterprise
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4 0 -1 -1
This is what I see. I have a file "commands2.txt" in the "level2" subdirectory. For simplicity, this is the only file in the "test" structure. Full path c: \ users \ chris \ testing \ level2 \ commands2.txt
Setting from c: \ users \ chris \ testing as current directory.
$stuff = gci c:\users\chris\testing\ -Recurse command*.txt
$stuff2 = gci c:\users\chris\testing\* -Recurse command*.txt
So now
get-item $stuff
returns "get-item: Cannot find path" C: \ Users \ chris \ testing \ commands2.txt because it does not exist. "Note that" level2 "is missing. It looks like just adding it. Name to the current one. paths.
get-item $stuff2
Returns the expected results of the get-item file fullpath.
Odd right? So here's where I got confused.
Compare-Object $stuff $stuff2
Shows that they are different.
InputObject SideIndicator
----------- -------------
C:\users\chris\testing\level2\commands2.txt =>
commands2.txt <=
$a = $stuff | select *
$b = $stuff2 | select *
compare-object $a $b -includeEqual
Shows that they are the same. I know I can work around this by putting "*" in the path.
But why are the variables different, and how can I tell?
Why is InputObject different?
Is there a way to see the difference between the two variables $ stuff and $ stuff2?
Update: Vesper basically nailed it. Searching here with get-childitem and tostring returned helpful questions. Mine seems to be a variation of several others. A cryptic other conversion to string [] of seemingly identical input shows what's going on. Also, there is a 2010 bug report here: https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/556004/get-childitem-gets-fileinfo-constructed-in-different-ways-depending-on- parameters based on this previous link. Good times.
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The difference is really subtle, you can tell by the result toString()
PS > $stuff.toString()
PS > $stuff2.toString()
Here's some data on MSDN here which indicates that it toString()
doesn't always return the full filename. You seem to be facing this problem. I refer to this as a bug, but there is a way to find if the error was running proc by querying toString()
and checking for fullName
if ($stuff.toString() -ne $stuff.fullName) { Write-Host "Bug!" }
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