Robot Framework If element is visible then execute keyword

I have a page that may or may not contain a specific element that will affect all xpaths.

I need to run "Run if keyword" to determine if this element exists, and if needed to execute another keyword.

I tried to set "Page must contain element" and "Element must be visible" as variables and pass it in the If statement, but it only returns None.

What can I use to identify an element on a page?


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2 answers

I faced the same problem, I am using this solution:

${present}=  Run Keyword And Return Status    Element Should Be Visible   id=my-element
Run Keyword If    ${present}    My Cool Keyword




I had a similar situation and I used below, Hope below helps:

            ${IsElementVisible}=  Run Keyword And Return Status    Element Should Be Visible   ${Element1}
            Run Keyword If    ${IsElementVisible}  MyCase1  ELSE  Click Element  ${Element2}




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