Find numbers after specific text in a string using RegEx

I have a multi-line string such as:

2012-15-08 07:04 Bla bla bla blup
2012-15-08 07:05 *** Error importing row no. 5: The import of this line failed because bla bla
2012-15-08 07:05 Another text that I don't want to search...
2012-15-08 07:06 Another text that I don't want to search...
2012-15-08 07:06 *** Error importing row no. 5: The import of this line failed because bla bla
2012-15-08 07:07 Import has finished bla bla


I want to extract all line numbers with errors using the RegularExpression function (using PowerShell). So I need to find the number between "*** Error importing line #" and the following ":" as this will always give me the line number.

I have looked at various RegEx questions, but honestly, the answers are similar to the Chinese for me.

Tried to create RegEx using but not successful so far, for example with the following pattern:

"Error importing row no. "(.?)":"


Any hints?


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3 answers

Try the following expression:

"Error importing row no\. (\d+):"



This is where you need to understand quantifiers and escaped sequences:

  • .

    any character; since you only want numbers, use \d

    ; if you meant a period character, you must escape it with a backslash ( \.

  • ?

    Zero or one character; this is not what you want as here you can enter an error on line 10 and only take "1"
  • +

    One or many; this will be enough for us
  • *

    Any number of characters; you should take care using this with a help .*

    as it can consume all of your input.


Pretty straight forward. Right now, your quoting will throw an error in the regex you wrote. Try this instead:

$LogText = ""#Your logging stuff
[regex]$Regex = "Error importing row no\. ([0-9]*):"
$Matches = $Regex.Matches($LogText)
$Matches | ForEach-Object {
    $RowNum = $_.Groups[1].Value #(Waves hand) These are the rows you are looking for




There can be several ways, a few simple ones shown below can help: -

I took your log into a file called temp.txt.

cat temp.txt | grep " Error importing row no." | awk -F":" '{print $2}' | awk -F"." '{print $2}'


cat temp.txt | grep " Error importing row no." | sed  's/\(.*\)no.\(.*\):\(.*\)/\2/'




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