String status check fails to check

I have a method for checking a group string:

public String validateGrouper(String grouper)
            grouper = grouper.trim();
        if(grouper==null || grouper.equals("") || !grouper.equalsIgnoreCase("AND") || !grouper.equalsIgnoreCase("OR"))
            System.out.println("Trap for grouper validation triggered with grouper: "+grouper);
            grouper = grouper.toUpperCase();
        return grouper;


I am running it against this test:

public void testValidateGrouper(){
    DBUtils dbUtils = new DBUtils();
    assertEquals("Expect empty string to be replaced by AND","AND",dbUtils.validateGrouper(""));
    assertEquals("Expect spaced out string to be replaced by AND","AND",dbUtils.validateGrouper("   "));
    assertEquals("Expect the lower case and to be used as AND","AND",dbUtils.validateGrouper("and"));
    assertEquals("Expect the upper case AND to be used as AND","AND",dbUtils.validateGrouper("AND"));
    assertEquals("Expect the word CART to be ignored and replaced by AND","AND",dbUtils.validateGrouper("CART"));
    assertEquals("Expect AND to be used as the grouper if no grouper is provided","AND",dbUtils.validateGrouper(null));
    assertEquals("Expect the lower case or to be used as OR","OR",dbUtils.validateGrouper("or"));
    assertEquals("Expect the upper case OR to be used as OR","OR",dbUtils.validateGrouper("OR"));


I found that the condition always fires despite using AND

and OR

. I don't understand why the condition is failing.


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1 answer

If OR or OR are allowed, you need

if(grouper==null || !(grouper.equalsIgnoreCase("AND") || grouper.equalsIgnoreCase("OR")))


Otherwise, if grouper is "OR" it is not equal to "AND" and the condition is true, and if grouper is "AND" it is not equal to "OR" and the condition is true.

Alternatively, you can remove the check grouper.equals("")




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