Sleep problems in AutoIt
I'm working on something, As the title of this section says, the Sleep function causes problems when the buttons are pressed, I have an If loop, with a random time between each mouse movement / click (this is an automatic program to automate the mouse click) However, when the sleep function enabled, I cannot click "Close" or "Stop" on the program interface,
#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Author: JesterRM
Website: N/A
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <IE.au3>
;Comments On Information
;Set Mouse Position - MouseMove ( x, y)
;Mouse Click At Current Position - MouseClick ("Button")
;Wait Between Each Click Local $hTimer = TimerInit()>insert Link Break< Sleep(TIME)
;Random Sleep Time Sleep(Random(1000, 10000, 1)) = Random Sleep between 1 and 10 seconds
Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)
Func MainGUI()
Local $Button1, $Button2, $Button3, $msg, $count, $OBJECT, $OBJECT_CTRL, $hTimer
Global $count, $OBJECT, $OBJECT_CTRL
$count = 0
GUICreate("FREE KaW Bot V0.01", 1000, 650)
; Button Position and Names
Opt("GUICoordMode", 2)
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 370, 30, 100)
$Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Stop", 10, -1, 100)
$Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 10, -1, 100)
;Create Internet Explorer in Window
$OBJECT = ObjCreate ("Shell.Explorer.2")
$OBJECT_CTRL = GUICtrlCreateObj($OBJECT, -650, 20, 900, 550)
_IENavigate($object, "")
; Run the GUI until the window is closed
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
; Button PopUp Messages
; Start The Bot
Case $msg = $Button1
MsgBox(0, 'Start', 'Starting Bot in 10 Seconds after PopUp Closes')
$count = 1
If $count = 1 then
MouseMove (800, 100)
; Begin The Timer and Store The Handle in a Variable
Local $hTimer = TimerInit()
; Sleep For 3 Seconds
Sleep(Random(1000, 7000, 1))
Local $fDiff = TimerDiff($hTimer) ; Find the difference in time from the previous call of TimerInit. The variable we stored the TimerInit handlem is passed as the "handle" to TimerDiff.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Time Difference", $fDiff)
MouseMove (200, 453)
; Begin The Timer and Store The Handle in a Variable
Local $hTimer = TimerInit()
; Sleep For 3 Seconds
Sleep(Random(1000, 7000, 1))
Local $fDiff = TimerDiff($hTimer) ; Find the difference in time from the previous call of TimerInit. The variable we stored the TimerInit handlem is passed as the "handle" to TimerDiff.
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Time Difference", $fDiff)
Until $count = 0
MsgBox(0, 'Stop', 'Stopping Bot')
; Stop The Bot
Case $msg = $Button2
MsgBox(0, 'Stop', 'Stopping Bot')
$count = 0
; Close The Bot
Case $msg = $Button3
MsgBox(0, 'Close', 'Closing Bot')
This is my code, if you could help me fix this I would be very grateful ...
By AutoIt Wiki - Aborting a Running Function :
AutoIt makes function calls in both OnEvent and MessageLoop modes. This means that it waits until the function is finished and the code returns to your idle time. Bye ... WEnd loop before starting the next one.
Thus, Sleep()
delays the processing of picture messages. A workaround would be to contain Sleep()
inside a function that can be interrupted. Example:
Func _SleepInterrupted(ByRef $bStateInterrupt, Const $iTimeSleep, Const $iTimeInterrupt = 500)
Local Const $iParts = Ceiling($iTimeSleep / $iTimeInterrupt)
Local Const $iRemainder = $iTimeSleep - ($iTimeInterrupt * Floor($iTimeSleep / $iTimeInterrupt))
Local $iCurrent = $iTimeInterrupt
Local $iReturn = 0
For $i1 = 1 To $iParts
If $bStateInterrupt Then
$iReturn = 1
ExitLoop 1
If $i1 = $iParts And $iRemainder Then
$iCurrent = $iRemainder
Return $iReturn
- If (anywhere in the process)
evaluates toTrue
, the function will return immediately1
(excluding the remaining time). It returns0
if it doesn't break. -
defines the total duration (in ms) forSleep()
. -
defines the delay (in ms) between periodic checks.
The total time gap allows the OnEvent- and MessageLoop events to be processed after each segment (every 0.5 seconds, if $iTimeInterrupt = 500
). Visual (simplified) explanation: