TYPO3 onepager + regular page structure

I am very new to TYPO3 and I am having trouble achieving the following results:

The structure of the website looks like this


- Sub content 1

- Sub content 2

- Sub content 3

- etc.

-page 1

-page 2

-etc ...

The home page should collect sub content "sub content 1", "sub content 2" and "sub content3", so it should behave like one pager. And other pages should behave like "regular pages".

I downloaded the kickstarter package FluidTypo3. This tutorial then followed: https://worksonmymachine.org/blog/onepage-design-with-fluidtypo3 which describes how to achieve onepager with FluidTypo3. So far I have managed to get this result:


-Content content 1

-Content content 2

- Content content 3

As soon as I add the new level:



- sub-content 1

- sub-content 2

The Onepager effect stops working and additional pages are no longer collected. I was configuring in the "Edit Page" section which template to use but failed.

I am following this step and cannot figure out why this is not working? Ideas?

I have Typo3 6.2 installed.


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1 answer

The problem is simple: you added one level to your menu so that your previous page structure is no longer corrected. You're using

v: page.menu

And it should have the correct access point to your page structure.

If you check the spec of this ViewHelper you will find


However, the spec only says:

Optional TSE equivalent to the value in the menu (integer)

You need to search a little more to understand how it works, and if you see the TypoScript documentation for the HMENU , you can see how it works:

Determines at what level on the root line the menu should start.

The default is "0", which gives us a menu of the very first pages on the site.

If the value is <0, entryLevel is selected from behind to in the rootline. So "-1" is the menu with items from the outermost level, "-2" is the level before the outermost ...

(You already have some help in the comments, but I wanted to write an answer here based on the feedback)



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