Ruby equivalent of Ipython% timeit

TL, dr; How can I find out how long Ruby is taking?

Ipython %timeit

and %%timeit

are two of my most used IPython Magic commands (A Python Interactive shell). Usually %timeit

no different from a function like this:

def timeit(f, *args, **kwargs): 
  num_trials = estimate_number_of_trials_for_f(f, args, kwargs) 
  start = time.time() 
  for i in range(num_trials): 
    f(args, kwargs) 
  return time.time() - start


The advantage is that something like this can be done interactively (not a great use case I know of):

In [119]: %%timeit
   .....: data = json.loads(json_data)
   .....: ret =  process_data(data) 
   .....: json.dumps(ret) 


I was wondering if there is a ruby โ€‹โ€‹equivalent to them (irb or pry) or an idiomatic way to implement an equivalent at all (timeit that only accepts one method is not exactly the same, it would be nice to get the magic equivalent of% timeit for any arbitrary block of code like in the next example).


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1 answer

Benchmark -
can help you with this.


require "benchmark"

how_long = Benchmark.measure do
  (1..100).each { |i| i }
puts how_long




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