How to call a stored procedure from a batch Tasklet Spring?

Specifies that TaskkeyStep in Spring Batch can be used to call a stored procedure. Can anyone provide an example of calling a stored procedure from a TaskletStep? So far I've done this, but it throws an exception: "Config problem: [callStoredProcedure] item is not available"

       <job id="job1">
          <step id="step1">
                <tasklet ref="myTasklet"/>

       <bean id="myTasklet" class="MyClass">
             <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>
             <property name="sql" value="call stored_procedure()"/>


Java class

        class MyClass implements Tasklet{
               public RepeatStatus execute(StepContribution contribution,
        ChunkContext chunkContext) throws Exception {
                  JdbcTemplate myJDBC=new JdbcTemplate(getDataSource());
                  return RepeatStatus.FINISHED;


How and where should the stored procedure be configured? Would be grateful for getting any pointers?

Thanks and greetings


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1 answer


value="call stored_procedure()


just put

value="stored_procedure" without () on end.


This should fix your problem.



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