How to remove this character using PHP

I'm parsing the text and came across this character: ... well, apparently I can't post a picture, but the character is a small highlighted box with two rows of very small numbers inside, 00 on the top line and 90 on the bottom. Sorry, I cannot upload a photo.

However, when I try to insert a character in the following code, I get:

$essay_result = str_replace("?", "", $essay_result);



$essay_result = str_replace("the little boxed character", "", $essay_result);


How can I write an expression to interpret a character so that I can remove it from the text?

Here is a pic
(source: )

As for the analyzed text, this is obviously a closed quote:

Vilma states that she "saw it all" [the character I'm talking about follows here]


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1 answer

This is the broken character you are showing. Don't add something to remove the char, find the root cause.

  • make sure all your files use the same encoding (UTF-8 or otherwise)
  • make sure you are not overriding another character
  • make sure you dont output anything except when you are actually going to
  • make sure the text sent by the browser is actually in the encoding that whatever you are using to store it.

If all else fails, go to

Good luck!



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