Custom match in association definition?

I have two models: contacts and groups with a belongsToMany association.

I only want to get groups that are available for contact. For this I have a custom search.

public function findAccessible(Query $query, array $options){
    return $query
            ->where(['admin_user_id' => $options['']])
            ->orWhere(['public' => true])
            ->matching('Users', function($q) use ($options){
                return $q->orWhere(['' => $options['']]);


So I can call the next one and I get what I want.

$accessibleGroups = $this->Contacts->Groups->find('accessible', ['' => $this->Auth->user('id')]);


But if I have a containment element it will return all groups, not just the ones available.

$contact = $this->Contacts->get($id, [
        'contain' => ['Groups']


How to restrict access available?

I cannot add a custom finder to the definition property of the table's association definition as I cannot pass $ options there. Or can I?


source to share

1 answer

Let me quote the docs and tests (if you can't find something in the docs, tests are often a useful source of information on how to do things).

If you have defined some custom lookup methods in your linked table, you can use them internally:

// Bring all articles, but only bring the comments that are approved and
// popular.
$query = $articles->find()->contain([
    'Comments' => function ($q) {
       return $q->find('approved')->find('popular');


In this scenario, you can simply pass the conditions in the call find()

just like you did.

So, there is also this "hidden" finder

parameter, which can be used instead of the called one:

    ->where(['Articles.author_id' => $authorId])
        'Authors' => [
            'finder' => ['byAuthor' => ['author_id' => $authorId]]


I guess it won't hurt if the use of the finder is documented in a little more detail in the Cookbook, the docblock for Query::contain()

also lacks information on this.



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