Swift: compile time error with optional chaining and nil-coalescing

I have a weird issue with optional chaining and nil-coalescing in Swift. Can someone please explain why the following code won't compile:

class A<T> {
    var val: T
    var x: A<T>?
    var y: A<T>?
        val = t
    func test() -> [T] {
        return (self.x?.test() ?? []) + [val] + (self.y?.test() ?? [])


But when writing

func test() -> [T] {
    return (self.x?.test() ?? []) + ([val] + (self.y?.test() ?? []))


He does? The error says:

Cannot convert value of type '[T]?' to expected argument type '[_]?'


To me it looks a lot like a compiler error.


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1 answer

The inferring type is complex with complex expressions. What [_]

usually means that the type is unknown cannot be inferred. Simplifying the expression solves the problem 99% of the time:

class A<T> {
    var val: T
    var x: A<T>?
    var y: A<T>?
        val = t
    func test() -> [T] {
        let xResult = self.x?.test() ?? []
        let yResult = self.y?.test() ?? []

        return xResult + [val] + yResult


Another 99% of the time, enter inference problems can be solved by explicitly specifying the type:

return (self.x?.test() as [T]? ?? []) + [val] + (self.y?.test() ?? [])


You have found a workaround yourself. This parenthesis workaround removes a certain number of types that infer the path.

Reported SR-4309



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