/dev/stdout' ...">

Docker run, docker exec and logs

If I do this:

docker run --name nginx -d nginx:alpine /bin/sh -c 'echo "Hello stdout" > /dev/stdout'


I see "Hello stdout" when I do this:

docker logs nginx


But when the container is running (docker run --name nginx -d nginx: alpine) and I do:

docker exec nginx /bin/sh -c 'echo "Hello stdout" > /dev/stdout'


or when I attach the container with:

docker exec -it nginx /bin/sh


and then:

echo "Hello stdout" > /dev/stdout


I don't see anything in the docker logs. And since my Nginx access logs are redirected to / dev / stdout, I can't see them either.

What's going on with this standard?


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1 answer

When you docker exec

see you have multiple processes

/ # ps -ef PID USER TIME COMMAND 1 root 0:00 nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off; 6 nginx 0:00 nginx: worker process 7 root 0:00 /bin/sh 17 root 0:00 ps -ef / #

and on Linux each process has its own stdin, stdout, stderr (and other file descriptors), in / proc / pid / fd

and so, with your docker exec

(pid 7) you will output something in

/ Proc / 7 / FD / 1

while your nginx process (pid 1) displays its output in

/ Proc / 1 / FD / 1



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