Asp.Net MVC Helper: create global helper to load view with or without layout

I want to create an application where, if there is an Ajax call, it returns a Partial view, and if it refreshes the page, it returns with a layout and render script. But the problem in the partial view will not display the sections, for which I created the MVC helper in APP_Code as:

 @helper AddSection(Func<object, object> content)
   if (IsAjaxRequest)
        @section scripts {


When I find it in my view, I get the following error:

CS0103: The name 'DefineSection' does not exist in the current context
Line 71: #line hidden
Line 72: DefineSection("scripts", () => {
Line 73: 


I tried many things but this error still exists, I also searched a lot but couldn't find a solution.


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2 answers

I searched a lot and found that the section inside the helper is not possible. below link: / ...

The @helper and @section syntax are special directives for compiling pages.

A HelperResult (helper) doesn't know how to define the section.

DefineSection method belongs to WebPageBase.

You may have to go from a different direction to it. Using partial views instead of helpers will probably fix this problem.

You can use nested layout. Inner layout is just to do body and script.



You can check the request header (as described in the question ). Check X-Requested-With

if it says XMLHttpRequest

it should be an XHR (Ajax) request.

In your controller, you can return PartialView

in the same method.

public ActionResult YourAction()
    Boolean IsAjax = false; //check the request header

    if (IsAjax) 
        ViewBag.UseLayout = false;
        return PartialView("PartialView");
        return View("View");


Inside your view, you can read ViewBag.UseLayout

and decide to make a complete layout with all sections or not:

    if (ViewBag.UseLayout == null || ViewBag.UseLayout) {
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
    else {
        Layout = null;


You can extend it to ViewStart.cshtml

, with a null check of the ViewBag, so that this applies to all views.



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