Google Activity - Supported for German?

Google Assistant appears to be rolling out to Android phones in Germany starting today (at least if they have a beta version of the Google app).

Google Action is also supported in German, and if not, when will that happen? I was just trying to trigger some actions and it didn't work. Or am I just using the wrong phrase?


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2 answers

Google actions are now available in German, according to



There are two problems here:

  • Actions on Google are not yet supported on Google Assistant other than Google Home.
  • Actions on Google and Google Home are not yet supported by anything other than English.

Update: May 2017

On Google I / O, they made two posts related to this:

  • Actions on Google are now available through the assistant available on Android and iOS, not just home.
  • Actions are not yet available in anything other than en-US. They announced that en-GB, French and German will be available "later this year".

Update: Oct / Nov 2017

As @ johan98 points out in his answer - German is now supported.



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