Failed to transfer application

In the Android ecosystem, you can transfer an app from a developer to another using an option in the developer console. There is a simple form, the fields of which are:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Developer name for your target account
  • Original email address of the account
  • Account currently associated with applications
  • Transaction ID for the original accounts. Registration of the developer console.
  • Target account email address
  • The account to which you want to transfer the application (s)
  • Transaction ID for target accounts. Registration of the developer console.
  • The names of the apps and packages you want to transfer.

After filling in all the parameters page returns an error message transaction ID for the target , which emphasizes this field is red and says, "Please enter the Google Wallet Transaction ID for Developer Account registration"

I have double / triple checked the transaction id of the target and it should be correct. What could be the problem? I believe form validation may return some odd error.

Has anyone had this problem before?


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1 answer

The problem is caused by a lack of documentation describing the process. Transaction ID cannot be copied + pasted as is, but you need to convert it. They (google) provide you with this id so you think that's all you need. This was not the case. We needed to remove some numbers at the beginning and replace them with "0"

For example, you must replace all digits up to the first dot with ONE zero.

123456789 .G.123456798 β†’ 0 .G.123456789

After that, everything worked as expected.



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