React - handleChange from multiple inputs with one function

I have multiple inputs on the page, I would like to handle the change with only one function, which I do already with this code:

    handleInputChange(event) {

        let modules = this.props.templateModules.slice()
        let inputs

        for(let i in modules) {
            inputs = modules[i].fields

        for(let i in inputs){
            if(inputs[i].name ==={
                 inputs[i].value =;
                 this.setState ({inputs});


The structure of these modules (which are dynamically added on button click) from the console:

enter image description here

and input fields with each module:

enter image description here

as you can see that the names are unfortunately not unique, so my code does not work as it should if there is more than one module on the page. I would like to display only those modules of a module that are currently in focus (suppose this might be an option), just not sure how.

Any ideas? :)


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1 answer

Ok so if anyone has the same problem as me I think I have found a solution for this.

Instead of handling changes to these inputs in the container component, which I did originally, I split the rendering of the module into a separate class so that the structure looks like this at the moment ...

 Container Component

      -> Presentational Component

           -> Module Component (class containing the function handleChange)


I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but this is the only way I could think to make it work and it WORKS! :)



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