How to make antlr rewriteTokenstream in javascript

I am trying to use antlr to generate JavaScript code. and use it to change markers (nodes) in my grammar.

I can visit the nodes, enter a node and print the value, or exit the node and print the value of the node. I want to replace the node token if it is an expression.

as if expression was + 1, i want to replace expression with replaceString + 1

 * @author:saurabh
 * sample programme to run the parser for a sample string using antlr

 * dependency injection
var antlr4 = require('antlr4/index');
var helloListener = require('./helloListener').helloListener;
var helloLexer = require('./helloLexer');
var helloParser = require('./helloParser');
var helloVisitor = require('./helloVisitor').helloVisitor;

var toRun = function (ruleForEnterAndExitOverride,ruleForgeneratiingTree, inputExpressionString, changeTokenString) {
    var chars = new antlr4.InputStream(inputExpressionString);
    var lexer = new helloLexer.helloLexer(chars);
    var tokens = new antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer);
    var parser = new helloParser.helloParser(tokens);
    //var visitor = new helloVisitor.helloVisitor();
    parser.buildParseTrees = true;
    var tree = parser.expression();
    var keyPrinter = function () {;
        return this;
    keyPrinter.prototype = Object.create(helloListener.prototype);
    keyPrinter.prototype.constructor = keyPrinter;
    var keyVisitor = function(){;
        return this;
    keyVisitor.prototype = Object.create(helloVisitor.prototype);
    keyVisitor.prototype.constructor = keyVisitor;

    //var tree1 = parser.prog();

    //override funciton
    keyPrinter.prototype["enter" + ruleForEnterAndExitOverride] = function (ctx) {
        //var newVal = ctx.getText().replace(ctx.getText(),changeTokenString);
        return "hi";
    keyPrinter.prototype["exit"+ ruleForEnterAndExitOverride] = function (ctx) {
        //var newVal = ctx.getText().replace(ctx.getText(),changeTokenString);
    keyVisitor.prototype["visit"+ruleForEnterAndExitOverride] = function(ctx){
        //var newString = ctx.getText().replace(ctx.getText(),changeTokenString);
        //return newString;
    var visitor = new keyVisitor();
    var test = visitor["visit"+ruleForEnterAndExitOverride](tree);
    var printer = new keyPrinter();
     antlr4.tree.ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT.walk(printer, tree);

 * @param: ruleFor appending to the listner funciton (starts with capital character of rule name)
 * @param: rule name to generate tree. without any change
 * @param: expression to test
 * @param: new value to be replaced from the @param3 expression
toRun("QuotedIdentifier","quotedIdentifier", "`a`+1", "p");


in the antlr java doc I mentioned use rewritabletokenstreem, but I can't seem to find a way to do the same in javascript.

Please, help


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