VARCHAR SQL contains numbers, how to get 2 decimal places

I'm having trouble getting the price to display correctly on my website. I currently have a string VerkoopPP40

that is the input VARCHAR

. This line has a price, for example. 89,5

or simply 9

. When I try to get these values, it does some unexpected things.

**** Update ****

I just tried this code:

function formatNumber($number, $format=[], $oldDecimalSeparator=",.ยท'", $multiplier=1)

    if ($format) {
        $format += ['numOfDecimals' => 0, 'decimalSeparator' => '.', 'thousandSeparator' => '']; # Default format
        # Find decimal separator
        # The decimal separator is the one that is the last and does not occur more than once
        if ($letters = str_replace(' ', '', $number)) { # Replace spaces
            if ($letters = preg_replace('/^-/', '', $letters)) { # Remove minus
                if ($letters = preg_replace('/[0-9]/', '', $letters)) { # Get all non digits
                    $lastletter = substr($letters, -1); # Returns last char
                    if (substr_count($letters, $lastletter) == 1) {
                        if (strpos($oldDecimalSeparator, $lastletter)  !== false)
                            $oldDecimalSep = $lastletter;
                            return $number;
        $number = preg_replace('/[^0-9-]/', '', $number); # Remove all non digits except 'minus'
        if ($oldDecimalSep)
            $number = str_replace($oldDecimalSep, '.', $number); # Format to float
        if ($multiplier != 1)
            $number = $number * $multiplier;
        # Convert float to new format
        $number = number_format($number,
    return $number;   


This returns: 9.00 and 895,00

so the comma is in a different location right now. This is what I think ... Someone had an idea to move the comma and remove the 0.

**** End Update ****

And he said it like this:

<td><p>vanaf " . formatNumber($number, [
    'numOfDecimals' => 2,
    'decimalSeparator' => ',',
    'thousandSeparator' => '&nbsp;'
], ',.') . " p.p. <small>Excl btw</small></p></td>


If I just the echo

string VerkoopPP40

returns: โ‚ฌ 89.5 or โ‚ฌ 9.

So, I searched some of them and found this:

$var = $row["VerkoopPP40"];
$var = ltrim($var, '0');
$foo = $var;
$prijzen = number_format($foo, 2, ',', '');


This turns .

into ,

. But it also returns โ‚ฌ 9.00 for the row with 9

in it. But the odd thing is that the string it does 89.5

now just returns โ‚ฌ 89.00. So somewhere in the code it rounds the numbers down.

Does anyone know how to get the price to show only โ‚ฌ 9.00 and โ‚ฌ 89.50 respectively.

I have also tried the following codes:

SELECT ROUND(VerkoopPP40,2) AS RoundedPrice


Like a database query. It didn't work.

$prijzen = CAST($prijzen as decimal(2,2));


And it didn't work. Any ideas?


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2 answers

Don't know if this will help you, but found in the comments of the PHP doc: "To prevent rounding that occurs when the next digit after the last significant decimal place is 5 (mentioned by several people) ..." read more

$num1 = "89,5";
$num2 = str_replace(',', '.', $num1);

$price = number_format($num2, 2, '.', '');

echo"[ $price ]";




you have to use number_format but in the correct order let me explain it to you have you tried it with 89.5

$prijzen = number_format($foo, 2, ',', '');


but this is written for 89.5 not for 89.5

//this will work for you 

    $var = $row["VerkoopPP40"];
    echo 'raw output from database is :'.$var;
    $var = $var / 10;
    echo 'after this step the number is :'.$var;        
    $var = number_format($var, 2, '.', '');
    echo 'after this step the number is :'.$var;


number_format (input number, decimal places, 'separator between integers and decimal places', '')



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