How can I check $ rootScope. $ Emit event?

I have some code in my controller abc


   $rootScope.$on('selectedItem', function (event, data) {
       vm.selectedItem = data;


And the caller function is in the controller xyz


  function doThis(){
     $rootScope.$emit('selectedItem', 'somedata');


How can I reproduce or ridicule this scenario in karma test?


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2 answers

For the first controller ( abc

) where you listen to it with $rootScope.$on

, you can first have $rootScope.$emit

it and $scope.$digest()

it. So you can get it in $on


var rootScope;
beforeEach(inject(function(_$rootScope_) {
    rootScope = _$rootScope_;

describe("some function", function() {
    it("should receive selectedItem with $on", function() {
        rootScope.$emit('selectedItem', 'somedata');


And for the second controller ( xyz

) you can spy

on $rootScope.$emit

. And expect

it should be called in the controller xyz

. Like this:

var rootScope;
beforeEach(inject(function(_$rootScope_) {
    rootScope = _$rootScope_;
    spyOn(rootScope, '$emit');

describe("doThis function", function() {
    it("should $emit selectedItem", function() {
        vm.doThis(); // or if you use $scope, call it that way




Using jasmine, it can look like this:

var rootScope;
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
    rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
    spyOn(rootScope, '$emit');

describe("$rootScope event testing", function() {
    it("should $emit selectedItem", function() {




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