IAP sandboxing IAP failed at 10.3
I have IAP code running from IOS 9.0 with no problem. I upgraded to 10.3 today and can no longer test IAP in a sandbox environment. I am using Xcode 8.3 now. Specifically what's going on:
- list of downloadable products (so the connection is ok)
- the product is added to the payment queue
- GUI prompts for appleID password
- On input I get .failed in from paymentQueue
- then the GUI will display "Accept IAP Purchase" (env. sandbox).
- If I say OK, I get "no connection to the iTunes Store"
Does anyone have similar issues with 10.3?
Please note that my own code has been working without problems since a few months with earlier versions of iOS and that I definitely have an internet connection on my test device.
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