Training Keras Model with BatchNorm Tensor Flow Layer

I am using keras to build a model and write optimization codes and everything else in tensorflow . When I used fairly simple layers like Dense or Conv2D it was simple. But adding a BatchNormalization layer to my keras model makes the task difficult.

Since the BatchNormalization level behaves differently during the training phase and the testing phase, I realized that I needed K.learning_phase (): True in my feed_dict. But the following code doesn't work very well. It works without errors, but the model's performance does not improve.

import keras.backend as K
x_train, y_train = get_data(), feed_dict={x:x_train, y:y_train, K.learning_phase():True})


When I tried to examine the keras model using the keras fit function it worked well.

What should I do to train the model keras with BatchNormalization in tensor stream ?


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1 answer

Actually I was duplicating this question which I have not seen.

I found the answer here , it just consists of passing a special argument to the call to the BatchNormalization layer



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