Is it possible to dynamically change field name in django-rest-framework serializer?

I have models Product

and ProductCategory


Let's say I have a ProductCategory TV

that has Sony

, Samsung

as its products. I also have a category MobilePhone

with Apple

and Nokia

as my products. Using DRF, I would like to receive JSON output using serializers that is similar to the one below:

                    'price': '$100',
                    'country': 'Japan',
                    'price': '$110',
                    'country': 'Korea',

                    'price': '$300',
                    'country': 'USA',
                    'price': '$210',
                    'country': 'Finland',


The problem here is that the field names ('TV', 'mobile_phone')

in the serializer must be dynamic.

I know I can get the following JSON type

                'product_category': 'TV',
                'manufacturer: 'Sony',
                'price': '$100',
                'country': 'Japan',
                'product_category': 'TV',
                'manufacturer: 'Samgsung',
                'price': '$110',
                'country': 'Korea',

                'product_category': 'mobile_phone',
                'manufacturer: 'Samgsung',
                'price': '$300',
                'country': 'USA',
                'product_category': 'mobile_phone',
                'manufacturer: 'Apple',
                'price': '$210',
                'country': 'Finland',



class CategorySerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    product_category = serializer.CharField()
    manufacturer = serializer.CharField()
    price = serializer.CharField()
    country = serializer.CharField()


But the names of dynamically changing fields are difficult to achieve. Is there a way to do this?


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1 answer

You can support this kind of custom format by overriding to_representation

your Serializer and the default ListSerializer

  • First, you overrideto_representation

    your serializer:

    class CategorySerializer(serializers.Serializer):
        # your fields here
        def to_representation(self, obj):
          return {
              obj.manufacturer: {
                 'price': obj.price,

    So, your serialized categories are of the following form:

        'Sony': {
          'price': '$100',
          'country': 'Japan'

  • Then, to add product_category

    before your list, you can use your own ListSerializer with a custom one to_representation


    class CategoryListSerializer(serializers.ListSerializer):
        def to_representation(self, data):
            # Group your data entries by category here
            return {
                'TV': tv_data
                'mobile_phone': mobile_data
    class CategorySerializer(serializers.Serializer):
        class Meta:
          list_serializer_class = CategoryListSerializer



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