Removing duplicates from a singly linked list

Is there a way to change the linked list so that we remove all duplicates from it.

Think about what to do for linear time and constant memory usage. I tried to put all the elements of a list in HashMap

, which gives us constant time, but using linear memory.

Is there another way?


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2 answers

You can use a method stream().distinct()

to do this for linear time:

List<String> result =




Algorithmically this sounds impossible (or someone here will surprise me).

but you can create a simulated list without duplicates without creating an algorithm this way:

public class SimulatedNoDuplicatesList extends LinkedList {
    private List originalList;
    SimulatedNoDuplicatesList(List original) {
        originalList = original;
// override all the methods that you want to use with the old list. for example
//   @Override
    public Object get(int i) {
        if (!super.contains(i) && originalList.contains(i)) {
        return super.get(i);




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