Populating swift two dimensional array using append vs element by element

Using Apple Swift: I have a very large 2D String array from, for example, a .cdl file. Then I create a Double array from a String array, so now I have a String array (variableData) and a double array (variableDataDouble). Now I want to customize the values ​​in the Double array.

If I use append and a String array, the setup is fast.

for rows in 0 ..< rowsCount {
     var tempArray: [Double] = []
     for columns in 0 ..< columnsCount {
         var adjustedValue: Double =  Double((cdlVariablesDictionary[eachVariable]?.variableData[rows][columns])!)!
         adjustedValue = adjustedValue * scaleNumeric + offsetNumeric


If I adjust each value in the Double array, the adjustment is very slow.

for rows in 0 ..< rowsCount {
     for columns in 0 ..< columnsCount {
          var adjustedValue: Double = (cdlVariablesDictionary[eachVariable]?.variableDataDouble[rows][columns])!
          adjustedValue = adjustedValue * scaleNumeric + offsetNumeric
          cdlVariablesDictionary[eachVariable]?.variableDataDouble[rows][columns] = adjustedValue


Why is append fast and element-to-element very, very slow?


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