I do not understand the code for loading an image in java

I'm working with OpenCV in java, but I don't understand the part of the class that loads images in java:

public class ImageProcessor {
  public BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Mat matrix){
    int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY;
    if ( matrix.channels() > 1 ) {
        type = BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR;
    int bufferSize = matrix.channels()*matrix.cols()*matrix.rows();
    byte [] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
    matrix.get(0,0,buffer); // get all the pixels
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(matrix.cols(),matrix.rows(),type);                    
    final byte[] targetPixels = ((DataBufferByte) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
    System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, targetPixels, 0, buffer.length);  
    return image;


The main class sends an object to Mat

this class.

The result is sending BufferedImage

, but I don't understand targetPixels because this class doesn't use it somewhere else. But whenever I comment out targetPixels and System.arraycopy, the result shows a black image.

I want to know what targetPixels

- and what is he doing?


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3 answers

The point is less about this array, but about the methods you'll find there.

You start here: getRaster () . This should return a WritableRaster ... etc.

This class uses getDataBuffer () from the Raster class; and we find:

A class that represents a rectangular array of pixels. The raster encapsulates a DataBuffer that stores samples and a SampleModel that describe how to find a given sample value in the DataBuffer.

What is essentially happening here: this Image object has an array of bytes at the end that should contain certain information.

This is the assignment:

final byte[] targetPixels = ...


retrieves a link for this internal data; and then arrayCopy()

used to copy data into that array.

For the record: this doesn't sound like a good approach - as it only works when this copy action actually affects the internals of that Image. But what if this last call getData()

would create a copy of the internal data?

In other words: this code tries to get direct access to the internal data of some object; and then manipulate that internal data.

Even if it works today, it is not reliable; and may break easily in the future. Another thing: note that this code performs an unconditional listing (DataBufferByte)

. This code throws a RuntimeException if the buffer is not of this type.

Perhaps this is "all is well"; as it all has to do with the "AWT" classes that probably have been around for centuries; and will not change anymore. But as said; this code has various potential problems.




is the basic image data (i.e. pixels) of your new image. The actual image is created when the pixeldata is copied from buffer

to targetPixels




targetPixels is an array of bytes from your newly created BufferedImage, these bytes are empty, so you need to copy the bytes from the buffer to it using System.arraycopy .. :)



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