Resource not found Error while using CLI Record Control

First, I want to say that I am completely new to this. When trying to use the CLI to batch upload items to my dynamodb, I get the following error:

An error occurred while calling the BatchWriteItem operation (ResourceNotFoundException): The requested resource was not found

The command I'm running is here: aws --no-verify-ssl dynamodb batch-write-item -request-items file: //program.json

The content of the JSON file is here:

    "Program": [
            "PutRequest": { 
                "Item": {
                    "programName": {"S":"Yogi Bear"},
                    "activeInd": {"S":"Y"}
            "PutRequest": { 
                "Item": {
                    "programName": {"S":"Salad for Lunch"},
                    "activeInd": {"S":"Y"}


I have compared this with examples in the documentation and I see no problem. I tried to just add a single item using put-item and got the same error. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks in advance.enter code here


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1 answer

Make sure the table "Program" exists

From DynamoDB documentation:


Message: The requested resource was not found.

Example. The table that is being requested does not exist or is too early in the CREATE state.

In your JSON file "Program" is for the name of an already existing table. It looks like it is not, both in this batch and in your single case, simply because the table does not exist.

Make sure this table already exists using the list-tables command :

aws dynamodb list-tables

If not, create it using the create-table command .

Check that the scope of your CLI is the same as your table

If this table exists, check your cli config to make sure you are querying in the same region as the table. You can check your default region like this:

aws configure get region


You can use aws configure

to change your default settings, or specify --region

directly in any CLI command to override the default scope.

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