Spring Batch read step in a loop

I came across a piece of code that reads some data like this:

public class StudioReader implements ItemReader<List<Studio>> {
   @Setter private AreaDao areaDao;
   @Getter @Setter private BatchContext context;
   private HopsService hopsService = new HopsService();

   public List<Studio> read() throws Exception {
      List<Studio> list = hopsService.getStudioHops();
      if (!isEmpty(list)) {
         for (Studio studio : list) {
            log.info("Studio being read: {}", studio.getCode());
            List areaList = areaDao.getArea(studio
            if (areaList.size() > 0) {
               studio.setArea((String) areaList.get(0));
               log.info("Area {1} is fetched for studio {2}", areaList.get(0), studio.getCode());
      return list;


However, when I start the job, this read is done in a loop. I found from another stackoverflow answer that this is the expected behavior. Then my question is the best solution for the given example? Extend StudioReader from JdbcCursorItemReader? I found one example that defines everything in the xml, which I don't want. And here is the context.xml part for the reader:

  <bean class="org.springframework.batch.core.scope.StepScope" />
   <bean id="ItemReader" class="com.syc.studio.reader.StudioReader" scope="step">
      <property name="context" ref="BatchContext" />
      <property name="areaDao" ref="AreaDao" />


And here is the job definition in xml:

 <bean id="StudioJob" class="org.springframework.batch.core.job.SimpleJob">
      <property name="steps">
                     <bean id="StudioStep" parent="SimpleStep" >
                     <property name="itemReader" ref="ItemReader"/>
                     <property name="itemWriter" ref="ItemWriter"/>
                     <property name="retryableExceptionClasses">
                           <entry key="com.syc.studio.exception.CustomException" value="true"/>
                     <property name="retryLimit" value="2" />
      <property name="jobRepository" ref="jobRepository" />



public void write(List<? extends Object> obj) throws Exception {
   List<Studio> list = (List<Studio>) obj.get(0);
   for (int i = 0; i <= list.size(); i++) {
      Studio studio = list.get(i);
      if (apiClient == null) {
        apiClient = new APIClient("v2");


Read method after the sentence from @ holi-java:

public List<Studio> read() throws Exception {
    if (this.listIterator == null) {
        this.listIterator = initializing();
    return this.listIterator.hasNext() ? this.listIterator.next() : null;

private Iterator<List<Studio>> initializing() {
    List<Studio> listOfStudiosFromApi = hopsService.getStudioLocations();
    for (Studio studio : listOfStudiosFromApi) {
        log.info("Studio being read: {}", studio.getCode());
        List areaList = areaDao.getArea(studio.getCode());
        if (areaList.size() > 0) {
            studio.setArea((String) areaList.get(0));
            log.info("Area {1} is fetched for studio {2}", areaList.get(0), studio.getCode());
    return Collections.singletonList(listOfStudiosFromApi).iterator();



source to share

1 answer

spring - package documentation for ItemReader.read assert:

Implementations must return null at the end of the input dataset.

But your read method always returns a list and should look like this:

public Studio read() throws Exception {
    if (this.results == null) {
        List<Studio> list = hopsService.getStudioHops();
    return this.results.hasNext() ? this.results.next() : null;


if you want your read method to return a list, you have to push the results like this:

public List<Studio> read() throws Exception {
    List<Studio> results=hopsService.getStudioHops(this.page++);
    return results.isEmpty()?null:results;


if you are unable to display results from the Service, you can solve it as follows:

public List<Studio> read() throws Exception {
     this.results = Collections.singletonList(hopsService.getStudioHops()).iterator();

    return this.results.hasNext()?this.results.next():null;


it is better not to read the list of elements List<Studio>

, read the element instead Studio

. when you read the list of elements you may have duplicated the logic iteration between writers

and processors

as you showed the demo in the comments. if you have a huge list of data to process, you can combine pagination in your reader like:

public Studio read() throws Exception {
    if (this.results == null || !this.results.hasNext()) {
        List<Studio> list = hopsService.getStudioHops(this.page++);

    return this.results.hasNext() ? this.results.next() : null;


Perhaps you need to see the mechanism for handling steps .



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