How do I resize tables created by Stargazer in R Markdown?

I have included resize.height=0.5,resize.width=0.5

in a piece of code but cannot resize the table created by stargazer. Can anyone tell me why?

The parameters of my code-behind look like this: echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE,results='asis',resize.height=0.5,resize.width=0.5}

Stargazer codes are as follows:

stargazer(did.student,student.control.kmt,student.control.neu,student.control.dpp,header = FALSE,
          title="DD Model",
          covariate.labels = c("Treatment","group","Treatment*group"),
          dep.var.labels = "attitude",
          column.labels   = c("","party1","Independent","party2"),
          label = "DiD-students")


Would be grateful for any help!

- Forgot to mention - I'm using a chart with a table.


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3 answers

I'll solve the problem myself:

To adjust the table size with stargazer, you can change the font size font.size=

, make a single Stargazer row, single.row = TRUE

and change the spacing between columns column.sep.width = "1pt"

in stargazer()


While the link here suggests using print(stargazer(),scalebox='0.7')

, it doesn't work for me, perhaps because I'm using Markdown with Beamer, but I'm not sure, I still wish I had more input on this.

I was hoping for a simpler answer, but it works!



This GitHub comment inspired me to implement \resizebox{}

in stargazer()

. You can use resizebox.stargazer()

to specify the size of the table output from stargazer()

s tab.width

and / or tab.height

. To activate the function, you first need to run the following code:

resizebox.stargazer = function(..., tab.width = "!", tab.height = "!"
  #Activate str_which() function:

  #Extract the code returned from stargazer()
  res = capture.output(

  #Render the arguments:
  tab.width = tab.width
  tab.height = tab.height

  #Attach "}" between \end{tabular} and \end{table}
  res = 
    prepend(res, "}", before = length(res))

  #Input \resizebox before \begin{tabular}
  res = 
    c(res[1:str_which(res, "^\\\\begin\\{tabular\\}.*")-1],
      res[str_which(res, "^\\\\begin\\{tabular\\}.*"):length(res)]

  #Produce the whole strings
  cat(res, sep = "\n")


You can specify the size of the table, for example resizebox.stargazer(..., tab.width = "0.7\\textwidth")

. Note that you must write TeX commands from \\

instead of \




Here is an alternative to Carlos' solution that writes the output to a LaTeX file:

mkTexTable <- function(..., file){

    tbl <- capture.output({

    tbl <- gsub("\\begin{tabular}", "\\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{\\begin{tabular}", tbl, fixed = T)
    tbl <- gsub("\\end{tabular}", "\\end{tabular}}", tbl, fixed = T)

    fileConn <- file(file)
    writeLines(tbl, fileConn)

mkTexTable(lm1, lm2, "texOutput.tex")


This post also provided some help: / ...



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