Python requests publish file

Using CURL I can post a file like

CURL -X POST -d "pxeconfig=`cat boot.txt`" https://ip:8443/tftp/syslinux


My file looks like

$ cat boot.txt
line 1
line 2
line 3


I am trying to achieve the same using the requests module in python, files={'pxeconfig': open('boot.txt','rb')})


When I open the file on the server side, the file contains

{:filename=>"boot.txt", :type=>nil, :name=>"pxeconfig", 
:head=>"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"pxeconfig\"; 


Please suggest how I can achieve this.


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3 answers

Your rejection request submits the file content as form data, not the actual file! You probably want something like

with open('boot.txt', 'rb') as f:
    r =, data={'pxeconfig':})




The two steps you are doing are not the same.

In the first: you explicitly read the file with cat

and pass it to the curl, instructing it to use it as the header value pxeconfig


Whereas in the second example you are using multi-page file upload, which is quite different. In this case, the server must parse the received file.

To get the same behavior as the curl command, you should do:, data={'pxeconfig': open('file.txt').read()})


In contrast, the request curl

if you really want to send a multi-line encoded file looks like this:

curl -F "header=@filepath" url




with open('boot.txt', 'rb') as f: r =, files={'boot.txt': f})


You might want to do something like this so that the files are closed afterwards.

More details here: Submit file using POST with Python script



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